The place is good. Has good items. There are usual pickers there, so it is competitive. 50% of the staff is horrible and rude-don't expect much help or smile. This is no Starbucks, this isn't even a Kmart when it comes to service. On a weekday they demand you leave at 5:55 from the aisles or they literally start threatening you even if the line at the register has 10 people in it. They also staple the tags for some reason. It does injure the clothing at times. Not sure why they cant tag like goodwill or staple cuffs or bottom the the shirt. Staples on collars are not a good nor on silk or high end cotton. The store upside is their items-but it is hit or miss-nothing comes easy. Some of their items are too expensive and you'd be better off with ebay or goodwill or waiting when it hits 50% off, which for the good stuff does take a few weeks. Don't use the in store ATM, you will be charged 2.50 and another 2.50 from your bank. 5 bucks to get some cash is not worth it. Also no fitting room and just 2 mirrors. And usually you have the wait your turn to use a mirror. They literally could add more mirrors around the store but are too lazy and cheap.