It may be one of those "Chain Restaurants" but does it fall under a "Fast Food Restaurant"? It's Fast but its Quality... and its Damn Delish... at least I think it is. Was happy to see that they have FINALLY added Brown Rice to the line up when I went in recently!
Everything I've ever had its been great, not fantastic... but Fantastic is hard to find these days. The chips freaking rock... not so much for the waist line but who counts calories at Chipotle? NOT ME!
Love that they have Green Tabasco Sauce... If they didn't... it wouldn't be a 4.5 Star. If they would add some Local Hot Sauce to the line up that would ROCK.
It may be a "Fast Food" Restaurant but its a billion times better than 99% of those other "Restaurants" that serve crap. Plus... they have a great concept and I love this commercial of theirs:
My Recommendation: Burritio, Brown Rice, Black Beans, Barbacoa, Fajita Vegetables, Tomatillo-Green Chili Salsa, Corn, Romaine Lettuce & Cheese. Chips w/ a Sids of the Tomatillo-Green Chili Salsa & Tomatillo- Red Chili Salsa. YUM!