"What do you do for recreation?"
"Oh, the usual. I bowl. Drive around. The occasional acid flashback."
I do not actually like bowling. It's my nature. I only like things that i am good at and I am not even certain I would like to be good at bowling so I had my reservations when being invited to hang with the Optimism Club kids but I love these kids so...
"Fuck it, Dude, let's go bowling."
I do have to admit; I really had a blast here. It is vintage and scummy on the outside which to me is just a bowling alley being honest with itself. It looks so old and dingy from the outside that you are slightly taken aback by the automatic doors. It's a bit like you have never seen one before and wow isn't technology amazing?
I have to say the bar service was a little slow. They rotated between three bartenders and 2/3 of them were ok so I will let it slide. The third on the other hand was probably better suited for my cube-monkey, paper-pushing job. The beers were however $2 for a domestic in a red dixie cup. It reminded me of the days I could get a red dixie cup foe $2 with free refills all night. Ahh college days...
We were here for cosmic bowling. It was somewhere around $12. I hadn't bowled in probably 5 or 6 years and I am pretty sure I paid twice that then. Great prices.
The DJ was spinning some pretty excellent tunes (hard drives spin so I can still say "spin" right?) My favorite part of the evening went something like this.
Me: "This DJ is playing some pretty decent stuff, but I think he has re-played a few songs since we've been here. Kinof lame."
Friend: "That's Cedric Ceballos."
Me: "What's Cedric Ceballos?"
Friend: "The DJ."
Me: (Looks closer at DJ) "Holy shit the DJ is Cedric fucking Ceballos!"
Sunset Bowl is pretty damned close to exactly what a bowling alley should be; and remember "This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."