All is well in the T.A.N. world.
The espresso quality here soars beyond any nearby competitors, not that there are that many. I was definitely too hasty in demanding perfection in their first month, but my first visit set an impossibly high standard. Typical me, pinning it on someone else. Whatever.
But yes, everything is great. I should praise the Coffee Gods that such a wonderous place as this has landed so close to home. And is it patio time yet? I think so!
Obligatory Title Pun: TAN out of TAN.
Menu Readability: They got a real sign! Still, I liked the doilies.
Need to mention: The music remains regrettfully at Jazz FM. I reserve the right to be a jerk about this.
What this place teaches me about myself: I'm actually listening to soundtrack of Kundun as I write this review, so maybe I am just naturally mellowed when the Glassman comes on. #pretentious