| - If I could give this place a 0 I would.
My wife & I had our first child here, they tried to induce my wife for 36 hours unsuccessfully, all while she sat on a gurney. She was in a lot of pain & they kept saying they would give her something for the pain, but never did. My wife & several other woman were loud & in a lot of pain & one nurse guess it sounded like she had an African accent, actually said & I quote "you pregnant woman & your screaming, you give me a headache". Like seriously wtf is wrong with you, and you were in maternity ward. Not long after she said that I went to go to the bathroom & walked by the desk & there she was feet up, blanket on sleeping. Sorry the pregnant woman in the maternity ward you work in are ruining your nap, how ruff for you. I've never hit a woman in my life, but came damn close that day. That's the first nightmare.
Not having learned my lesson, and Humber River being closest to our home, I returned there for an MRI on request from my nerologist. I had been experiencing loss of feeling in my legs, right arm, anal & groin area. They did a MRI of my spine. The results stated herniations from C1 to C7 & chord compression on C5. I spent the last 8 months since results that MRI doing physio, chiro, acupuncture, everything to help fix my spine while I waited to see nerosurgeon who is booked up a year in advance. Finally last night after got so bad couldn't take anymore, I went to SunnyBrook emergency, in a few hours did another MRI my spine, couple hours after that nerosurgeon came to see me, he took me to monitor, showed me MRI results. He said I've gone over your results, so did neurologist, and neither see any herniation of any of my disk, a minor herniation on one he showed me little bump he said you wouldn't even notice. But what is easy to see is your spinal chord is inflammed, and that is what is causing your problems. I don't know why your Humber River report says herniations when there isnt any, and how they didn't notive your chord inflammation. They immediately checked me into a room, ordered brain scan MRI and with drawl of spinal fluid & blood testing to cover all angles of what could be happening. Now I'm in my room, nerologist came see me, said with all info that him & nerosurgeon will go over & come up with a treatment. The nerosurgeon says likely steroid injections in my spine. So for the last almost year of my life I have to deal with this, and go for physio & chiro & all this treatments for nothing, to fix herniated disk that didn't exist, instead of getting the treatment I needed on my spinal chord. This hospital is horrific, and if I was dying & going there was closet place to me, I'd rather die in the street. Never again!!
Thank you so much to SunnyBrook for fixing the mess Humber River left me in!!