First let me say, Bloom is an EASY 4 stars but they commit the cardinal sin imo, and that's underpouring wine so I just couldn't bring myself to give them 4. That being said, the food was great.
We were there pretty early (6pm) on a Tuesday so the ambiance was kind of meh because the place was empty. But as you walk up the staff opens the door for you and you're greeted by the hostess and a very nice modern decor. We started with the asparagus bruschetta which was great. I had the special (skin on trout on a bed of corn risotto) It had a kick of spice and was one of the better fish dishes I've had. The risotto could have been a bit more flavorful, but it was a good mild side to the spicy fish. My wife had the chicken street tacos and they were pretty good also. Finished with the blueberry creme brulee which was soooo yummy. (I loved the serving dish it came in. It was wide and flat so you had caramelized sugar for every bite, instead of the normal creme brulee dish which is deeper with less surface area for sugar)
Probably not a spot we'll frequent often, but it is definitely deserving of the 4 star rating it has from a food standpoint.