I tried to get my oil changed on my lunch break, pulled up with one car being worked on and another in front of me. I was walked in the office and asked to sit down. I told the person at the customer service desk that I only had 45 mins for lunch and just wanted to drop the car off and come get it after work. I was told that they would need to do paper work on me before I could leave. I asked how long that would take and was told 15-20 mins. When I expressed that I wouldn't have time to wait 20 mins just to give them my info he customer service rep told me that this is just the way they do things. All I wanted to do was drop the car off?!? Can't imagine having to wait 15-20 just to get my info before they even started to do the oil change. Ended up going down the street to Brake Masters and dropping it off the next day, took max of 1min to get my info.