| - Took a 2 year old female lab for a small mass removal on her foot. There were a number of problems with the surgery and the care surrounding it. The first thing we noticed is that after the surgery her foot was not wrapped at all, completely undressed. This is with a just closed incision. They also didn't give us any drugs for her. We said we had some, but we didn't end up having nearly enough and had to go to another vet for more. They offered to leave some drugs outside for us since they were closing before we could get there, but we didn't want drugs that were left outside, or to have drugs left outside at all. The combination of not a long enough course of antibiotics, plus not bandaged, led to it getting infected despite our best efforts at keeping it clean. There were also no sedatives given, which is kind of necessary for a lab just getting done with surgery. Another thing is that her nails were clipped extremely short while she was under anesthesia, without asking us at all or ever mentioning that that would be done. They were cut way past the quick, plus at the wrong angle. Her nails have bothered her ever since and still haven't grown back to a normal length. There was no follow up scheduled to take out the stitches or even view her progress. It's been over two weeks and we haven't heard from them. After only a week, her stitches all came undone without her messing with them at all or pulling them due to activity, because they weren't tied properly. Her foot is now having to heal from the bottom up and will probably always have more of a problem than she would have had. We've been taken her elsewhere for care and won't be going back.