I enrolled my son (3) 1 month ago. I just recently pulled him out. When he first started, he would cry when I left, which I expected. But it continued for the entire month and tears at drop off got worse. He wouldn't only cry but would literally cling to me. Because of the difficult drop offs, I would call and ask how he was doing and his teachers (who were very young and didn't seem happy to be there) would respond "fine" and that was all. I also thought it was weird that every time I dropped off or picked him up (which was at different times), it was "free play" and description for the days activities that were sent home always said "played", nothing else. He wouldn't come home and be tired and would stay up extremely late, as if he didn't burn off any energy at all. Artwork was never sent home.. also weird. Long story short, I don't believe this to be a learning center as I didn't see much or any learning.. only playing.. while teachers just sat around watching. Everything there was just drab. I felt like there was ZERO excitement from the staff about anything. My son is now enrolled somewhere else close by and on his first day at drop off, he shed NO tears and hasn't since he started. Kind of ironic. Just makes me wonder what was going on. I gave 2 stars because of the security system they offer and Kathy, the director, was nice.