| - Definitely a rare bar concept for Cleveland and it was a well kept secret, kind of like Clinton cheating, until the news broke about how good it is. Now, everyone is going. The mode is very islandy but it's not bright as candle light sets the mood and island music drowns the thoughts of work/life stress away. Love this place, love that it's not a "Let's go act like college idiots and take ridiculous amounts of shots" type of bar because that is not really tolerated here (I'm not saying that as in I don't like it, I'm inferring that there is a time and a place) You go to Porco for the experience, trust me, the buzz will come from the drinks which are deliciously strong. From drinks that smoke, to one-and-your-done drinks, this place is exceptional. Great groups and dates, although I have to say that the Mrs. and I have been told that a few gentlemen have been caught when the girl they took the previous weekend, shows up the next weekend with a group of girlfriends, and he's there with another...OHHHHHH SNAPPPP. So plan well, fellas...and cheers #CLE