| - First few moments of walking in and Jolene (the manager) made a lasting impression, NOT IN A GOOD WAY.
My family and I have never been to Golden Corral, we decided tonight was the night. We walked through the doors and was greeted by a young lady asking for our drinks which was different from other places we have been. Following, a woman asked if there would be three of us eating. I answered yes and payed. As I put my change away a server came up to the woman taking care of us, the server asked if she could close her section? The manager(Jolene) as I was gathering proceeds in a rude tone, "well is your section clean" the server answered "no" the manager rude again " then go clean it up". I told her we had never been here and wondered how it all worked, she explain to the left is desserts and middle is main dishes following the salad bar on the right.
The three of us walked away to find somewhere to sit. My sister and mother asked me if I thought she was bitchy, I answered YES, I thought I was the only on thinking this. I told me sister I was shocked she was so terrible to her staff in front of guests.
As servers walked around my sister along with mom asked " is that your manager? And is she always rude?" They all answered the same YES. They were not surprised to hear she talked unkindly to fellow servers in front of guests, she did this regularly.
My sister and I are servers and thought this was uncalled for, we mentioned to her at the end of our visit that we disagreed with the way she spoke to her server, thought any employee should be talked to with respect. She apologized like she had never heard this. As we left a server said she was thankful we said something because this is very common her being rude.