Tried Kaba Curry on two separate occasions- at the Las Vegas Foodie Fest and most recently at YSB'S Night of the Living Neon...They were the best bite of the evening, IMO
Number of times at each food truck/vendor?....One
Number of times at Kaba Curry?..Ummm One...Two...Three....Four!
Totally hooked on that flavor they are able to duplicate after countless efforts.
Now I'd also like to try other establishments that serve up Japanese Style Curry
(Kyara, Sora, Cafe De Japon) and see how they stack up with Kaba.
It was cool chatting with one of the guys and finding out that they first started out as a hip hop clothing line(Hippoe Esthetics) and they just happened to go the food route as well-GREAT MOVE! Now people can enjoy their tasty curry and sport their cool threads as well....Win-Win situation! Best of luck with your endeavors and cannot wait to grub on some Kaba action again....ALOHA!!!
YELP 365 CHALLENGE-(247/365) "No Worry Kaba Curry!!!"