| - Food is pretty fucking good. They do a decent burger, and the nachos are great. Enough for two - easily. Forgetting the beer part of the menu, this place is like TGI Friday's but with class, not packed with families, but with yuppies (or whatever passes for a yuppy in Madison).
Beer is pretty fucking good two. It's a brew pub, so there are a bajillion different kinds on tap. They've even got traditional cask ale, which is just like normal beer but served warm and flat. Just like they did it back in the day. You know, before fucking electricity was invented and everyone died from lame ass diseases.
The prices are not pretty fucking good. It's $4.50 a pint. That sucks. And they don't have cheap ass beers on tap, so if you're a broke as student and want to mix it up a bit to save a few bucks, well - you're fucked.
Also, for that pretty fucking good burger, prepare to pay like 10 bucks.