William is great. I had been in the process of buying a house, and my lender needed a professional to do my taxes since I'm self-employed. I had done my taxes myself for years, but I had decided to see letting someone else do them for me as an opportunity to learn how I could do it better, and also get all those tricky Quickbooks questions answered that had been on my list.
I called several accountants, and William responded to me quickest. When I explained my situation he said he'd be happy to do them but humbly stated he may be more expensive than others and encouraged me to call around. I had a good feeling by talking to him, but called a couple of places anyway just to feel them out. Others came in a bit cheaper but seemed sleepy or as if they were reading from a script. Ultimately I followed my hunch which was that William would do a more personal job. I'm glad I followed my instinct.
Working with William was great. I related to him on a personal level and we spent a fair amount chit-chatting about our personal lives and places we've lived. While we were chit-chatting he was still wearing his accounting hat and would say "I think we could deduct that". He also ended up taking the time to run my numbers using different methods to find the best method of saving. Though I paid a hundred bucks or so more for William compared to the next best service, I'm sure I saved much more than that by choosing to go to him, simply because he listened with a real ear rather than just punching things into a computer or following some policy.
This was the easiest tax season for me, ever. Building relationships is more important to me than just getting stuff done. If that's important to you, I recommend William.