As far as airports go it's nothing special. Tons of advertisement for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, lots of standard airport shopping with a few more upscale stores. It's nicely laid out and I was an arrival, so I can't comment on TSA or flight delays.
Really, it's hard to rate airports because there are way too many factors that can easily screw up your experience. So I'll just mention the big highlight for me on this one - the ground transportation help desk.
I arrived with no idea how I was going to get to my appointment at Cleveland Clinic. I asked the ladies at the desk and they explained the entire route, complete with costs, to me, a girl with very little experience with public transportation.
Thanks to their careful instructions, I made it to my appointment no problem and for only $4.50 compared to my original plan of taking a taxi which would have probably cost me $40 or more. Thanks ladies!