| - This place is a joke always has been ,took my son in to the ER on 06 /17 15 in the evening cause he was choking six hours later still in the ER no doctor nurse was in once when I asked another nurse she said I will get his nurse 20 minutes later this excuse of a nurse comes in has no idea what she is talking about still no doctor,when doctor does arrive he comes in says well he's sleeping he must be ok or he would not be able to sleep we will just send him home with some stupid things to follow,well guess what doc you were so wrong,I left that place you all call a hospital and went right down the street,that doctor ordered chest ex rays,right off ,ordered up steroides and anti biotics right away,guess what what he was chocking on came up,then had to send him to Peoria to be extra safe he was ok,presence or provina what ever that hospital is right down the road that's where to go notCARLE ,my son would have died if I would have listened to them.