Do yourself a favor and stay the hell away from this dealership.
Tried to purchase a car September 1st 2016 they were advertising on the TV that they had Labor Day specials
16% cash back and $4,000 minimum for your trade
Spoke to the dealership manager at first he said they were not giving cash back it was only a discount. I looked up their web page on my phone and showed him that it did State 16% cashback MSRP
Second he said that they were not giving the cash back and the 4000 minimum for your trade it was either or
I used an app on my phone that provides me another phone number and called in and spoke to two different sales people who both said that yes you could get 16% cash back and forth thousand minimum for your trade
Went back to the sales manager that I was originally talking to and was informed that they were no longer doing the Cash for Clunkers deal that had ended yesterday
My biggest problem with this dealership is false advertisement. Do not try to purchase a car from this dealership