Yvette is the peace of mind that any loving dog owner needs for their little four legged furballs. I literally tripped over her one day while she was walking a pug and being a pug owner I immediately had to say hello. Upon meeting my little tank Fritz she immediately starting co-ordinating so that the two of them could have organized play dates. Since then Fritz and Norman have become regular playmates and best buds. Being a pug owner, and all the little issues and problems that go along with that you really need someone who understands the breed and Yvette has become what we now know as the pug queen. My schedule is anything but normal and she is always easy to co-ordinate with and gets a genuine satisfaction out of "pooping" them out on a good long walk. Definitely the most amazing and knowledgeable dog walker I know. Respectful of the 6 dog limit on walks and a true gem in the KIng West neighbourhood.