| - I called it "Chola" trail. It sprained my ankle.
To be honest, I didn't know how it was supposed to be pronounced, and I totally missed the Double L Means Y rule. But I'm fairly confident that my offhand mispronunciation was enough to infuriate this carefully cultivated Phoenix hiking spot, and see to it that I turned my foot on my way back down, delivering two days of pulsing, throbbing pain during a work-related visit. Weeks later I'm still feeling the injury. And how could you blame him/her? The views, expanse, and beauty that this Camelback hike delivers beats the barrio, for sure. So fair warning: don't be calling this thing Chola trail. It's Cho-ya. And it's all hard.
Another warning for out-of-state visitors: people in Phoenix start their morning hikes at, like, 2 a.m., because it gets all hot here. Like, I know you think it gets hot in Burque, but serial, Phoenix is like ALL hot. So get out there early, or you'll be all sweaty.