Alright, I HATE doing this but I must. I don't know why, but almost every Albertson's I've ever shopped at has treated me unkindly and unfairly. They must not weed through their staff nor review their policies very often or maybe they don't care to. Well, just last week I had a woman who worked there follow me around the entire store just because I didn't have a basket!! I noticed her and said "What are you doing? I know you are following me and it's making me uncomfortable!" she stuttered out some lame excuse and walked off. Then she came back with the manager who told me she thought she had seen me put something in my purse (which was wide open and empty). The nerve of these people! This is not the first offense and I WILL be contacting their corporate office, though I doubt that will do any good. This chain is appalling! Avoid, run from , drive away!