| - what have you done to my "i'm too lazy to cook, let's walk a block to hey! and get good service and interesting food at reasonable prices" place. when hey first opened, the menu changed frequently, which was cool, i like trying new stuff. then it started changing less. then the daily specials were constantly sold out by 8pm. service and food was always good though, so we kept going on a quasi weekly basis. now the format has changed. you don't get seated, you have to order and pay at the counter, seat yourself, when your name is called, you come get your food and take it to your table. this would be acceptable if the prices had not remained the same. being in the service industry myself, i can vouch for the fact that you cannot offer less service at the same price and expect people to like it. i was not impressed. reading the rest of the reviews, awesome service was mentioned in most of them. too bad hey! has gotten rid of their top offering, service. if i wanted to serve myself, i would stay home.