My window regulator broke a few weeks ago - I started the project of fixing it myself, but I couldn't get two of the screws off & ended up stalled on it. Fast forward to today -- it's raining again & I'm sick of having the window be an issue so I stopped in to see how much it'd be to fix it or if at the least they could throw in some screws or something to hold the window up until I can afford to get it fully fixed. Long story short - they propped up the window for me & the owner wouldn't even let me pay him for it saying, "You & your daughters don't need to be cold, getting wet & sick." I was surprised & touched, but more so just extremely grateful because I'm on a tight budget & I wasn't expecting that expense so it would have really set me back this week financially. Needless to say, this will be my go to location for my auto body repair needs. He didn't have to be so kind, but he was & that kindness has earned my future business!