| - Would have given no Stars for rating if possible
!!!! This is the worst airline experience my wife and I ever had in our life. My wife and I had a 7:45am flight from Tampa, stop over at Phoenix, and destination was San Francisco. We already checked in online the day before, had our eboarding passes, and even paid $50 for our checked in baggages online. When we arrived at the airport 1 hour and 15 min before our flight, we were told by an attendant at the ticketing line that we had to move to the kiosk to checkin our bags, but there were so many people trying to check-in at the kiosks with little attendants to assist. She yelled at the people stating that the ticketing line was only for people making changes to their flights. Observing that it took almost 15-20 min to get each person through tbe kiosk I was hesitant to go to the kiosk line, since I knew you had to checkin your bags at the latest 45 min before the flight but followed her instructions. It was now 7:55am still waiting for 2 more people to get through the kiosk line. I then asked my wife to go outside to curbside thinking we might just as well pay the extra cost to get our baggage checked so we can get to the gate. Tbere were two people in front of us at curbside and by the time we got to the attendant at curbside it was 7:05am. The attendant then said we may have to now rebook our flight, she checked and said that we missed the 45 min cutoff and now have to go back to the original line at ticketing to rebook our flight. My wife tried to explain that we were told to jump from one line to the other, and said we already have our boarding passes n paid the luggage fees, why couldnt we just drop off our bags? She said it was too late. THIS WAS THE WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE EXPERIENCE AND WILL DEFINITELY NOT FLY US AIRWAYS AGAIN!!
In addition to the original rude attendant at Ticketing (heavy weight, blonde, caucasian woman) telling us that we were on the wrong line, we were rebooked on a 8:30am flight to Charlotte for a STAND BY ticket at 3:05pm to SFO. This second ticketing attendant said that we shouldve arrived at least 1.5 hours before our flight n that there r only 3 other flights after 3:05pm flight at Charlotte that we can probably catch since she can only put us on stand by. Fortunately, once we landed at Charlotte the attendant at Charlotte was kind enough to confirm us on the flight to SFO. She was surprised why we were not confirmed at Tampa!
WORTH MENTIONING, there were at least 4 other people on the same flight that had to be rebooked because of how long the kiosk check ins were being completed even though they too arrived early.