Love this place for one reason. BEER PONG! It is awesome. Go all the way to the back because that is where the tables are. There are balls flying everywhere! (that's what she said) My bro and I frequent this spot every time I make a trip to Las Vegas. It is an awesome place to pre-game before hitting the clubs. Everyone complains that it is expensive but you really just have to strategize. See what I do is find a table, buy a pitcher then have the opposing team by their pitcher. We commence playing then someone will come up asking who gets to play winner. I tell them you can as long as you buy the beer. Obviously this only works if you're good at pong cause if you lose you're S.O.L.
I really like this place. It is a fun atmosphere and if you take my strategy you will be drunk for the price of only one pitcher. The only thing I would say kinda sucks is the parking structure is so sketchy and smells like piss. Also, it gets pretty slippery with all the idiots spilling beer so be cautious when walking around. Instead of water cups to "clean" the balls after they land on the floor they should use some sort of lysol. I mean come on guys thats how you get hepatitis. lol but really GO here you will have lots of fun!