OMGosh, where do I start? My oven was repaired earlier that pm. Later, I heated some pizza in the oven and when I came back downstairs I thought I would pass out from the horrible fumes-immediate headaches set in and my voice tone changed so fast I thought Liberace had invaded my body! So I put my detective hat on and what did my eyes and nose behold but a melted flashlight in the broiler pan. Of course the careless technician needed a good laugh so he left it in the broiler pan. When I accidentally called the technician he asked me to throw out the burnt flashlight for him. Do I have a stamp on my forehead that says idiot? Get real! I then called the store and explained the situation. Mike the technical manager was very rude and condescending in my phone and personal dealings. I eventually called several organizations and explained that the air quality in my house was very poor for several days now and that the smells were intolerable. The flashlight had leaked a small amount of acid and that including the melted rubber and plastic made for a possible health hazard. The environmental agencies recommended that I stay out of the house. So that caused a new nightmare since my dogs also had to leave. I incurred kennel and hotel costs and stayed with friends. I told Mike that I wanted a new oven ( no toxins in my food, thank you) and expenses reimbursed. So after fighting with the manager he had the fire dept come out to test for toxins-they reported there were no toxins ( not sure if this test is accurate) and that they could not detect an odor. Having a chronic medical condition I knew that the smells were there and making me sick. After all, I still was being haunted by Liberace's voice-eek! The repair service finally offered to refund me the $200 or so repair cost and replace my oven racks after arguing for over 2 weeks. Then when he finally brought the racks he did not want to give them to me after I had scrubbed the others clean. I had to buy a new oven and the hassle and expense alone not to mention feeling sick far outweighed the measly offerings of this ugly company. The smells took 4 weeks to dissipate after keeping fans on, windows open in evenings and purchasing lava rocks to help absorb the odor. Avoid this company like the plague unless you like immersing yourself in harrowing circumstances. This is one trick pony that I don't ever want to ride again! Ride away as fast and furious as you can unless you like to risk life and the pursuit of unhappiness.