Kay and I were referred here by the swell people over at D's Six Pax and Dogs since their prices were better. Ya gotta love honesty. A few evenings ago, we managed to snag a case each of Blue Moon and Smirnoff Ice for our housewarming party.
Hey, just 'cause I don't drink doesn't mean there won't be booze at my parties, ok?
Anyway, we found their selection to be as wide as D's but with more affordable pricing when buying by the case.
The employee minding the store reminded me of a comics shop clerk for some reason. I'm not sure if that is good or bad.
As we walked back to the car, a gentleman shouted to us from one of the neighborhood's bars, "Hey, you better have some orange slices for those Blue Moons."
Regent Square sure is lively on a Friday night, no?