Worst Dotty's out of ALL location because of a manager named Tami who is a lesbian that racially and sexually discriminates against Black men like myself. Discovered that today when she refused to give me one of Dotty's free daily product that's ironically a stress reliever. Funny when I asked her name she knew that I was going to report her and refuse to tell me the Dotty's location number that is #52. This is what customers are getting tired of and looking else where to do gaming. When people like this ruin gaming experience for a player. I will contact an attorney and Nevada Gaming Control Board to see if this violate Gaming License Agreements with in Nevada State codes. This gaming relationship with Dotty's is now at an end. If they permit their employees to abuse their position by abusing their patrons then this is not a company you would want to do business with. If you don't stand for something then you fall for anything.