We need another Melt review like a hole in the head.
But hey, I haven't yet...so deal.
I'd like to give this place 2 or 3 stars, but quite honestly, it's the hype that leaves a bad taste in my mouth, not the food. I've eaten here a few times (mostly before they were popular) and I haven't had a bad experience. Cheese and grilled bread is pretty fucking good no matter how you look at it. Is it worth a 1-3 hour wait? Absolutely not. This is why I stay away. Although quite honestly, would it be so bad to drink for an hour or two before ordering?
What I find irritating are the freaking tattoos. I mean it's pure marketing genius on Matt Fish's part, but the idiots who get them? I mean, if I were to provide free advertising for a business for the rest of my life, I would expect more than 25% off my grilled cheese.
If a place ends up on the Food Network, it's gonna be popular. People are going to come from BFE and every farm community to come to Cleveland to go to a place THAT WAS ON TV! Holy crap! Hence the insane wait. I'm hoping it will taper off eventually so I can go eat here again.