A friend and her fiance recently purchased a mattress at Brooklyn Bedding(formerly called R&S), and she told me strange people came after them as they made their way from the parking lot to their destination. They told the BB salesman what transpired, and he said that always happens. That Mattress Magic employees chase his customers and say rude things about BB. Since I am in the looking stage of bed shopping, I wanted to check out the latex mattresses in BB, and also go to the Mattress Firm store across the street. I also looked at the reviews here first and lots of folks wrote about being chased down in the parking lot. After leaving MF, I drove across the street and parked in a space near the driveway I turned into. BB is on the end of the building, and has two double doors at each end. The door I was in front of was the farthest door from MM. Yet, some creepy man saw me park. Are there surveillance cameras or he just waits in the parking lot? He yelled out to me as I stepped onto the sidewalk right in front of the BB entry. I would never shop at a store where employees act like that.