the hubby and i joined some fellow yelpers for a day of giving back as part of yelp helps month.
i was surprised at how clean and extremely organized the entire operation was.
i'm definitely not one who lives with my head buried in the sand but you'd be surprised at what you don't realize until you experience it first hand.
although i'm aware that we have a growing population of homeless and "in-need" people in town, i wasn't prepared for the crowds that came in that day.
i think we fed something like 300+ people in one short hour.
it was an eye opening experience and there were quite a few moments where i had to hold back the tears.
everyone was so extremely grateful.
from the volunteer staff to the residents to the folks we were serving, "thank yous" were in abundance all day long.
at the end of our "shift", i was filled with many emotions but most of all, i felt grateful for how fortunate i am.
we take so many things for granted every day of our lives.
i'm now more enlightened and humbled by this experience.
the folks at the rescue mission have dedicated their entire lives to improving the lives of others.
they are true heroes in our community and selfless beyond measure.