Aside from the fact that Rebecca N. is into Mike the bartender which i don't have any background on other than the review this place is delicious and to be honest the best burger ive had in a long time. I love deluxe and also places like Stax which is good but not great (deluxe is great btw not Stax), either way the food was great not the service or annoying people next to me but i cant hold the restaurant responsible ( the people behind me made me want to stab myself in the ears with an icepick, service was crap but...) the quality of burger was GREAT! Its the best high quality restaurant burger ive ever had, its pricey but really worth it for a great burger. I cant say enough about how good the burger was, me and my girlfriend whom have different tastes in burgers loved the ones we got and ate them in their entirety, which never happens we always have left overs or split it but we went for it and it was great! If you need a burger and are tired of eating healthy its a great get away!