This review is to summarize the event that occurred on 7/30/2017. See uploaded photo of a dirty rag posted on the photo page.
Been goin here for a long time... maybe not anymore. Yesterday 7/30/2017 around 330 pm my family and I stopped in for some drinks. They made my drink, the cup was cracked. I asked for a new cup. They poured my drink in a new cup, then poured the residual drink from the blender in my new cup, all good. Then when the employee, an Asian male, put the lid on, the drink came up through the lid. The same employee poured the excess in the sink, all good. Then he picked up this rag (see photo) and wiped the top of my drink, no good. I asked for a new drink or to be refunded. The employee assured me that the rag was clean. I decided not to take my chances. A new drink was made and I was given a large instead of a small. I can't comment on whether or not this is standard practice. Thx to the white female employee who swooped in and corrected the situation.
** the gender and description of the employees are added for management to identify and correct any problems.