| - Went back because I forgot to cancel my appointment. The lash artist was prompt so no waiting around issues this time. We talked about the look I wanted and she said she'd do varying lengths to get me the look I wanted. At the end of the service, I thought my lashes looked BEAUTIFUL!! I was thrilled. I didn't make a follow-up appointment only because I wanted to see how the lashes would look in a few days.
At home, a few hours later, my eyes were a little watery but no big deal, I thought. Thought things would be fine in the morning. The problem came the next day...I couldn't open my eyes because they were completely crusted shut (is that a term?? Well, it's the only way to describe it). After I was able to scrub the crust off, using baby shampoo, and finally open my eyes....THE HORROR! THE HORROR!!! My eyes were bloodshot red and the lids completely puffed up. I prayed the swelling and pain would subside as I dumped eye drops in my eyes. I literally hid in my office all day long (having no choice but to go to work that day) and told people I had a cold. I searched the internet and, that night, tried every home remedy: wash cloths, washing with steritears, using PTC pink eye medicine. Things got a little better but not enough by the next morning (when I had more crusties which prevented me from opening my right eye) so I went to urgent care. Diagnosis: blepharatitis in both eyes. So now I'll be using an antibiotoic ointments in both eyes 2-3 times a day all week.
While I can't prove this is because of the lashes, you know when you just know?...yeah, I just know it. The timing can't be a coincidence. And looking back at my appointment, this should have raised a red flag but I guess I wasn't thinking: when the last artist came out to get me, she was escorting another customer out. There was no time between her escorting that customer out and getting me in the chair and starting on my eyes and cleaning her tools (or getting another set). I don't know what policy, if any, Cherry has on sterilizing their tools, but I'm convinced she didn't sterilize the tools or use a new set. Needless to say, I will not be going back.