If you love teppanyaki style food but don't need to pay to see another flaming pile of onions, this place is for you. The concept is simple; great tep grill food without the entertainment. My husband and I went for lunch on a Saturday and got the lunch specials (one shrimp special and one steak special) with two drinks for $25! That would have been one meal at the other full service grills. The food potions were large, the veggies were fresh and the chef/co-owner makes his own ginger and seafood sauces. The place is small as this is their first restaurant venture. But they were very friendly, and we enjoyed their little toddler hostess. Please give this place a try. The strip mall they reside is not ideal, but we all have to start somewhere right? This is a new local business which we need to support, especially considering the infection of corporate chains that has seemed to take over the west valley.