Roar! Naaay! Ribbit! Moo! Woof! Baaah! Quack! Meow!
How can you not think of all of the fun animal noises that you hear at the zoo and beyond when you are getting your one year old ready to visit (and perhaps those noises are in your head from all of the children's books you've been reading as well?!)
While I'd been to the zoo with my son only once before, going at night during the holiday season is a totally different experience. The lights, music, talking giraffe, etc... it's a lot of fun for all. The kettle corn and hot chocolate are delicious as well.
Note that Zoo Lights doesn't open until 6pm, which is tough when you're dealing with little ones used to going to bed at 7, but it's worth it to keep them up a tad bit late for the fun Zoo Light experience. I've made a mental note (which I'll share with you here as well) that Saturday night may not be the best night to go - it was so crowded when we went!
Also worth noting that if you are a zoo member, you get a discounted entry fee, but you must have your membership card... (of course I forgot ours!)
Happy holidays and enjoy!