| - Their happy hour is the BOMB. Cheap beer, cheap rolls. A frugal fantasy! I usually do AYCE because I'm a very hungry piggy. Anyways, I love ordering Uni- but I am always skeptical when ordering it, because LOTS of places have old uni, which is brown and dull and tastes bad. Uni should be orange, slightly firm- not too firm though- as its a soft type of food, and its tastey when fresh. LUCKY ME- they had fresh Uni! Which is awesome! Because I've been let down soooo many times before at other restaraunts.
I particularly LOVE their shrimp bombs.
Also, they have no-rice sushi rolls, many of which are fantastic- Great for Diabetics.
Its also next to a neighborhood walmart- so if you need to get groceries after... you're in luck.
I have not used the bathrooms here- so no comment. But the restaraunt is very clean, and has nice decor. There are TV's around. Its a slightly small place- but it doesn't get too busy so thats just fine. Lunch is the best time, as its not crowded, and its nice an quiet-ish.