$5000.00 Money Wheel Friday is a complete waste of time.
In with the story..... So they have a promo that lets players submit their name into a large holding tanks or a chance to win 5000 bucks. The tickets are given away one per day or a few at a time if you win a hand pay at a slot. At 8 o'clock there are 8 names drawn out of a pool that appears to have around 1500-2000 tickets. The wheel has two points where the player could hit the 5000 mark. Each player takes a turn spinning the klutzy wheel one time. If nobody wins, a new pool of players is chosen. The game is played until someone wins $5000. It's a fun event for patrons. Sort of....
1. There's no real control of tickets that are given to customers. No numbering system, serial or authentication code on the ticket. They seem to be printed on glossy card stock and cut by an art room cutting machine. If you know the type of paper they use you could print the tickets yourself and submit as many as you would like. I'm quite certain this isn't just my idea.
2. We're told the odds of getting your name drawn depends on how many tickets you have entered. If you collect 1 ticket per day as a walk in, 1 ticket for a Friday buffet visit and a few for a hand pay then your weekly ticket total would probably be around 50 tickets if you won a large hand pay every day. You can also buy entries with your casino points. If there are 2000 entries, the odds of getting any single entry drawn would be around .025%. Some players are chosen multiple times in one night and and one guy in particular has won multiple times. Laws of probability would dictate the players chosen multiple times a night, for multiple weeks of play and multiple wins must have an exponentially larger pot of luck or one busy printer.
3. The casino staff doesn't seem to care about control of ticket submission. While they do stamp your hand with a removable ink once you get a daily ticket they leave the large holding tank open and unguarded throughout the week so a dishonest player would hold an advantage over other players.
4. You can hold onto your tickets and submit them at one time but that still wouldn't explain how players are called multiple times for multiple weeks and multiple months of play. Can the casino explain their magical odds?
5. Other patrons are clueing in. We heard a number of patrons yell 'rigged' or 'no way that guy has that many tickets" after tonight's draw. Again simple math.
6. The buffet was okay tonight., drinks not included.