| - I guess if you're not Indian this place is alright. There is a huge problem though with this place, it tries to be both a vegetarian and 'American' restaurant at the same time. What i mean by that, is that they try to be vegetarian and 'American', by trying to serve meat dishes. I really don't think this works well.
This is probably one of the few places you can get authentic Indian desserts that are freshly prepared. I guess that makes this place pretty cool in my books. Nothing beats the stuff you can get in LA (Artesia, on Pioneer Blvd). However, for Phoenix, this is probably the best stuff.
The veggie and meat dishes? Well, they aren't too bad, its a little pricey but still good value. I tried one dish, and it was just TOO spicy, even for my Indian mouth, and it was just FULL of jalapenos.
The service is also weird. I've gotten desserts from them a few times, and they charge by the pound. Sketchy stuff going on during the weighing and stuff, I'll leave it at that. Don't fall for the owners trick of 'remembering' you.
All I can say is try it out. You may or may not like it.