GHETTO! So sorry i moved into these apartments and so thankful i moved out! I
was on the first floor in one of their "upgraded" 2 bedroom unit alone. The windows
are floor level and have shrubs around them so its an easy target for theft. The
window in the second room didn't even lock! It looked like it was forced open at 1 time
and it broke the lock. I notified the front office but got no response. I ended up putting
a long pole to jam it from opening and a loud alarm to sound when its opened.
Leasing agent: Great at first when doing my lease but when returning they are SO
snobby like if they were leasing agents in Beverly hills or something. The blond one
that's kind of young is the worst! I don't know why they keep her she must be "doing"
something if you ask me. I went in there when my apartment flooded and she glared
up at me while filing her nails like if i was bothering her! She should be working
at goodwill or something with that kind of attitude.
Bugs: THANK GOD no bugs but this is the kind of place where you have to kill the bug
put it in a baggie take it to the leasing office and throw it on their desk for them to even
consider doing anything about it.
Flooding: As stated I was on the first floor.. supposedly the person on the 3rd floor
left the water running and it caused my drains to over flow. The dumbest excuse ever!
That doesn't even make sense! They did get someone to vacuum the area but that's it.
it happened 3 times! I'm not talking about just tub water... there was paper that also
came up with hair and it smelled!!!! It was a total health code violation and they should
have replaced the carpet and sanitized the area! When i moved out they gave me
literally .20 cents back because my "pets" used the carpet as their restroom spot.
WHAT! I don't even have pets and I lived all alone!!!!!! when the drains backed up it
damaged the carpets leaving traces of stuff! When i brought up the issue they forgot
that happened. I just let them keep the 200$ to avoid the headache. Funny about a
month later i read on the news that this place had a BIG problem with flooding.
The 1st floor apartments located by the office all flooded!
Pools: they were always closed even tho i wouldn't even think of getting in them.
Parking: carry pepper spray.... someone got stabbed at night when walking to their
car! I swear look it up!
Payment: Make sure to get certified checks not money orders because they like to
misplace your rent. Certified checks can be quickly traced.