I rarely get sick and, when I do, I always get better rather quickly so me going to StatClinix on Tuesday, July 7, was a big deal. I had been having trouble swallowing due to a major sore throat. I kept getting the cold sweats and could not sleep at night due to a cough and would gasp for air. After 2 hours at the Clinic, Dr. Greg Reser said nothing was wrong and to keep taking over-the-counter meds. I told him nothing had been working and that I was headed out of town soon so wanted to treat this before it turned into anything big. To that he said "come back in 3 days if you aren't better." I mentioned to him in 3 days I would be gone for 3 weeks, which he chose to blatantly ignore. So here we are 2 days later and I now have white spots on my tonsils - a major sign of strep which is common in my family. I just got off the phone with the Clinic and they said there is a different doctor I could go see today. I asked how much that would cost and they could not answer. Why would I return to a place that appears to be scamming people for their money? It shouldn't be this hard to receive meds that are desperately needed. If you are feeling ill, I beg you to go elsewhere rather than waste your money here.