After a drop off college kid to apartment, he said that a new BBQ joint opened a couple of blocks away. Let's try it. So we wander over and it is Meat Here. Having just tried the truck, I was game.
The Menu has BBQ and Mediterranean (see attached). There a lot of tables but we were getting take out. Noticed someone had a YinzBurgh BBQ T-shirt on and asked if they were connected. Was told that they are but did not get a full explanation.
My ribs were definitely smoked and very tender and good. Ordered a Kansas City type sauce...they have a couple of others - mustard based and vinegar based. With my plate I could get one side and selected the Hush Puppies, a true southern comfort food. The Hush Puppies were OK, a little overcooked but enjoyable.
All in all a nice place for BBQ. Will have to stop back and try the Mediterranean.