So I snatched up a really nice deal on Groupon for a facial last month. I already had a $10.00 coupon with them to apply to my next purchase, and the total for my Groupon came out to a cool $17.00 after applying it. Admittedly, I was a bit hesitant to make this particular purchase on the basis that it was low in price and I assumed that meant the service wouldn't be as good compared to the other offers, but boy was I mistaken. I would be remiss to not acknowledge just how bomb Ms. Delma is. She really is freaking awesome! She was kind, prompt, knowledgeable in her aesthetic craft, and will have you cracking up just as much as the Pillsbury Dough Boy on the new Geico commercial (check it out if you haven't seen it LOL). I couldn't even focus on the relaxation part of the treatment because every other minute I'd be laughing uncontrollably. I came in to see her for my 25th and this really was a real treat. She gives so many tips on how to better care for your face, and the information is priceless. Needless to say this experience over-exceeded my expectations. Groupon or no Groupon, I will be returning to her for all of my skin and body care.
- Peace
P.S. She works out of Cache Salon at the above address.