| - Sorry, Heck's, but this is some tough love from a neighbor. I desperately want you to be successful because of your prime real estate and excellent building.
You need to pay attention to what people think about your food. You seem to be stuck in 2005 or whenever it was that you last won "Best Burger." Those days are gone. Ohio City has changed, Cleveland has changed, and peoples' tastes have changed. You were once a rarity when there wasn't a burger joint on every corner, all of them serving high quality, local, grassfed beef that's cooked and seasoned properly, usually for about 10 bucks. Your restaurant is dying to be on an episode of Kitchen Nightmares. How Heck's survived the Recession Restaurant Die-Off of '08-09 is beyond me.
Your prices are outrageous, especially for frozen appetizers. Come on. ABC's burger up the street is $6.75 and tastes bite for bite ten times better than anything on your menu.
You need a chef. Who is your chef? Do you even have one? There isn't one listed anywhere and there seems to be no real passion or quality control in your kitchen. I'm looking at your menu right now and I swear it's virtually unchanged from the first time I came to Heck's in 2008. And speaking of the menu, your website reflects your restaurant. That's not a compliment. The only way to access your menu is a Word file. You do realize that not all people have Word, meaning they could never see your menu at home? Do you know what a PDF is? (EDIT: Thanks to the Wayback Machine website, I was able to pull up the menu from 2007. It's pretty much exactly the same as 2013. That is beyond pathetic.)
The neighborhood has changed so drastically in the past few years and you're just sitting there doing nothing. This is just poor restaurant management. Off the top of my head, here's a list of places within a few blocks with better burgers than Heck's: ABC Tavern, Old Angle, Nano Brew, Black Pig, Bar Cento, Westside Market Cafe, BonBon, and maybe even Great Lakes Brewery.
That last one should sting a little. Shape up or close down. You're taking up such a beautiful corner putting out subpar food. Wake up.