Estrella Mountain Community College has one of the nicest campuses/buildings for being a community college. Beautiful campus. The education is sub par. I recommend morning/day classes as you will find more professors that actually teach as opposed to most (not all) adjuncts that read out of a book or off a PowerPoint in the evenings. I have experienced some amazing classes/professors and I have also experienced some pretty pathetic teaching styles. I believe a professors success is based off of the comprehension and success of the students and some teachers are just okay with collecting a check for showing up and having students teach themselves. - which I understand, but the teacher is paid for a reason that goes beyond assigning work and logging attendance. Don't get me wrong, I've passed all my classes here but feel like I have been done a disservice in some with the professors who were teaching! All in all, a good school to work or start on the associates to transfer to a major university