| - Alright, so im going to try to review this as someone who practically hates casinos. I don't gamble and I don't really like the atmosphere. I find casinos to be morbidly depressing - I feel like most people are there alone, looking like a zombie, and pumping money they don't have into a machine in dires hopes to win big. Not often have I went into a casino and said "man, they are having an absolute blast, I want to join them!"
With that said, I went here primarily for BAD Bingo. My only experiences with bingo were growing up and playing when we went camping. We just played with boards and dried corn pieces. The prizes were ice cream cones, cookies, and bundles of wood. So this was the first "adult bingo" I had done.
The bingo hall is a cross between a club, a wedding reception, a bingo hall, and a karaoke club. Seriously, get there early. They have the lights off, dancing lights on and people are having dance offs on the dance floor. Then they have karaoke sing offs. Then they go around literally spanking the birthday guests with paddles (hard if they want it).
This is the same bingo where you use an ink blotter to mark your letters. You will have to either bring your own or buy from the cage (for I think $4). They roll through a series of games where you have to get different shapes. Another reason to show up early is to review the boards and rules before you are in the mix. If you wanted to you could also get an electronic board that does the marking for you - so all you have to do is watch and call bingo if you get it. This was new bingo to me, but I liked it.
When bingo starts it is done and over with in a flash. It pays to know what you are doing because they call fast and they have the dancing lights going. Sometimes those lights literally mess with you so that you can't see what you've marked or read the numbers. Ha! Because of this once calling starts it isnt a time to converse, bitch, or share the latest gossip - you are feverishly trying to mark your cards and not go into an eplitic seizure.
Nobody in my party won but it was pretty fun... and I did it sober. Results may vary if you chose to do it drunk.
As for the casino it was hopping on a Saturday night. Not sure if this was normal or what but there was a lot of people there! Maybe they all filtered into bingo? In any case the casino seemeed clean and had plenty of workers there that you could flag down if needed. The GF played some slots and walked away a winner on each machine she played on. Im just the opposite - I always joke that it is better if I just walk in and go to the teller window and hand them a $20 and walk away. At least then I can save myself the strife and pain of losing. Lol.