Amazing people and staff! I am a new patient and not once did I feel judged even when I talked to the nutritionist and explained to her my daily eating habits that would've had any nutritionist having nightmares for days. When I went to do the consult I didn't realize all that was going to go into it or how the testing was going. I had never had a stress test before so I brought my 7 month old son. We were having mommy and me day. While I was getting my ekg the nurse I was to see next for my being ultrasound took Logan out of the car seat and was playing with him and keeping him occupied for me so I can finish my test. Then after that test was done the lady who performed my stress test then took over and watched him for me! I totally didn't expect that and I know it's not in their job description to care for others kids but they were so awesome and understanding about the situation. I didn't expect to be treated that well..
They were absolutely amazing