I don't think I've had a more awkward experience at a restaurant before my last visit to idle.
I had been to idle for drinks one or two times prior to this visit and had anticipated trying some stuff off the menu. When the owner (co-owner?) came to take our order I asked for the happy hour special for the day. The man looked at me peculiarly and told me they had no such special. I responded by saying I had seen it advertised on idle's website. He continued to act like he didn't know what I was talking about. It was painfully awkward and caught me off guard. What kind of owner (or staff member for that matter) doesn't honour specials advertised on their own website? Not knowing what to do being the first of a group to order I regrettably asked for a pint. Although we were all starving and intended to order food it was hard to look past the shady service. As a result we had our drinks as quick as humanly possible and left never to return again.
In hindsight I probably should've pulled up idle's website to prove my case but knowing that I was dealing with the owner, the deception clearly felt intentional. This all being said my review is purely based on service, which ultimately hindered my ability to actually eat food at this restaurant.
So weird.