Went here with a groupon and was treated with first class service and hospitality.
The service was memorable..but not for great or bad reasons. The service staff wanted to be sooooo helpful, soooo polite and sooooo good to you but they were just a very confused bunch. IT really showed that this was a training kitchen (with all staff being trained at george brown).
Like, don't get me wrong- service was EXCELLENT- but it was more well-intentioned than "flawless". Every server just seemed so...green...and like..green as in..more green than just the average person who decides they want to do a serving job.
Can you tell I hate to make this critique? But it is so true, I can't help it.
I love the people here and wish them the best of luck for the future.
The food was good- not amazing, but very good. The amount was very substantial- I could have shared a four course with someone and it would have been enough.
Not all dishes were as good as others...some where confusing and missing a finesse that you would get at a fine dining place. But understandable given that this is a training kitchen.
What I love most about this place is the outside. you can watch the chef's cook up a meal, bake the delicious breakds and desserts that will be served..and just an overall fun window to watch as you are walking by king street.
I have to say I would not choose to come back unless somebody I knew was training there.
It was good, and a definite must-try if you live in Toronto. But I would not go back just for the food.