I love this casino. I live near it, and my husband and I like to cruise over on the weekend for a little video poker. The last two times we were there, this past weekend the most recent, we had to leave almost immediately because we sat down, got comforable at our machines, and someone sat right next to me and lit up a cigarette. I walk all over looking for an out of the way row with three chairs, no one smoking and out of this whole place she had to sit down and light up next to me??? I cashed out and left. I get very sick from second hand smoke exposure if too close to me. So please Aliante, designate a non-smoking section like Red Rock has! Because I am going to Red Rock from now on only because they accomodate everyone. Smokers and non-smokers. And smokers should not inflict their "right" to smoke on those of us who don't. Just sayin'.