Whenever my friends and I drive to Arizona on the 95, we drive past a road that leads to a town called Chemehuevi. The town is 17 miles from the main road so it would be quite a detour to drive there and back to check it out. We always joke that someday we'll visit Chemehuevi but we know we never will.
Wildfire has been one of my Chemehuevis for awhile... I'd always wanted to go but never found the time. Never, that is, until tonight.
I wish I left the Wildfire to my imagination instead of ruining the mystique. All I got from my visit to the Wildfire was another shitty customer service experience at a Station Casino.
I used to wait tables in college and I know a thing or two about basic customer service... Greet the customer within the first, ohhhh, eight minutes or so right? I sat down at the bar, the blonde-haired barkeep sees me, then proceeds to continue with her side work until I leave the establishment. A similar thing happened with Josefina at Fiesta Rancho yesterday...
What does a guy have to do in Vegas to get a drink?
Someday I'll make it to Chemehuevi but I know I will never go back to the Wildfire.